Biomechanics of a Horse

According to the Webster dictionary, biomechanics is the science concerned with the external and internal forces within the body. In layman’s term, it is the science of the movement of the living body. Biomechanics can also explain how incorrect riding and training method can affect the horses. It is very important that the riders know the significance of understanding how their aids can directly affect the horses physically.

These incorrect aids can affect the horses in many ways and will make them unable to perform well during training. Incorrect use of aids might also affect the horses long term and might lead to serious illness and even different behavior. Understanding the biomechanics of horses would not only make sure a proper way to get them healthy, but will also help you to have a deeper understanding about horses. The position and the length of the horses’ neck directly affect the horses’ back. So, if the neck is not placed correctly, or the length is unnatural, it could lead to problems.


First thing that you need to fully understand is that horses are not designed naturally to be ridden. Take for instance the first time you ride a young horse, it will try to arch its back into spasm and buck. Once the horse relaxes, it will drop its back and carry the rider without the support of its back muscle which can cause serious damage to the horse. Although, some horses can actually cope up by carrying the rider this way for their entire lifespan, but this is a hindrance for the horse to reach its maximum potential and will never be able to perform in its highest level. This is exactly the reason why the horse needs to undergo training. So that the horse can be trained to use its back muscle in a correct way so they will have more strength. The trainer trains the horses as if it was a person that they are dealing with. They have to be there to make sure that the horse gets encouragement and eventually be able to use his muscles in a proper way. Now, you also have to understand that building and strengthening the muscles isn’t an overnight thing, it takes time, effort, and more practice. The training has to be just enough not to overdo them, because this might cause injuries for the horse, and might cause more resistance. That is the reason why it is important to understand the anatomy of the horse, to make sure that you hit the goal.


According to Chris Bartle, a British dressage rider and trainer, the key to performance in the sport horse is the back. The goal of training is to strengthen the bridge between the forehand and the hindquarters of the horse. This would allow the power to the hindquarters to flow naturally without any interruptions.

It is very important to understand the biomechanics of horses to achieve success in athleticism. Have as much knowledge as possible, there are a lot of guide books that can help you understand the biomechanics of horses in a very simple way.

In coordination with the topics discussed the United Medical Education was able to help us conduct more training to help more clients and improve the health of the horses. United Medical Education provides insights and training for medical providers that need online ACLS, PALS, and BLS certification. Their completing of the online ACLS recertification course is especially applicable to horse jockeys who are seriously injured in a race. Horse racing is a physically demanding sport. Because of the large volume of people attending these events and the stress placed on the jockeys and the horses, having healthcare providers on hand that are trained in online ACLS is essential.